My Life is God's Dream

"Chaos calls to chaos, to the tune of whitewater rapids. Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers crash and crush me. Then God promises to love me all day, sing songs all through the night! My life is God’s prayer” (Psalm 42:8 MSG)

Metaphor is the only way we begin to describe God. All metaphors fall short somewhere. Having said that, some are more beautiful than others. I love the idea of God being a dreamer, an artist, a writer, writing great storylines full of people, events, and places. And I believe this is what He does. He's written your story and my story with so many great ideas that the characters themselves have taken on a life of their own. In this way, He gives them the freedom to choose and to act, but overall there's a grand, redemptive narrative that He's weaving. A good story is like a good prayer is like a good dream. We live out His stories and get to be a part of his dream. MLK Jr had a dream. (We should be working on MLK Jr's dream, by the way.) But, nothing compares to the dreams God has for you. Your life is His dream.